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Update on Things
2 min read

My bio says that I’m an aspiring writer & blogger. While that’s technically true, I haven’t written very much. Over the past seven years, I’ve written only twenty-six entries on the blog. I have only two fanfiction that I’ve written that have actually been somewhat successful. Yes, I’ve written other stories, but I never complete…

My Fascination with Human in Equestria Stories
2 min read

If you’ve read through this blog, there’s probably one thing you will have noticed: “This dude is obsessed with HiE.” Yes, it’s true, I have a fascination with Human in Equestria stories. I mean, check out the Fimfiction Reviews series. Every single one of them is HiE. A fair few interestingly enough feature the Anonymous…

My Plan For the Future
2 min read

I need a more updated and detailed post on my plan for van life, so here you go. Phase 1: Back to School Once I’ve got my driver’s license, I’m going to start taking classes at the Austin Community College. The First Semester I will start with just two classes in the first semester. The…

Blog Archives

for the history buffs – may contain "slightly inappropriate" content