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Why I’m No Longer a “Brony”
2 min read

I joined the fandom in October 2014, right it the middle of the show’s longest hiatus and its transition away from the now defunct Hub Network to Discovery Family. I was not there for the early days of the fandom, nor was I there in its golden era in 2012/2013. That said, I have noticed…

I Think It’s Time I Talked About Fallout
‹ 1 min read

Yeah, this show is indeed an example of a video game adaptation done right, and it went above and beyond when it comes to the source material. Yes, there’s a bit of controversy regarding the fate of Shady Sands, but let’s take a look at it. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. The fall…

Update on Things
2 min read

My bio says that I’m an aspiring writer & blogger. While that’s technically true, I haven’t written very much. Over the past seven years, I’ve written only twenty-six entries on the blog. I have only two fanfiction that I’ve written that have actually been somewhat successful. Yes, I’ve written other stories, but I never complete…

Half-Life & Portal Summarized by ChatGPT
2 min read

Below is a short article written by ChatGPT from the prompt “Summarize the Half-Life and Portal games storylines and lore, and their affect on the gaming industry.” Note there are a couple inaccuracies, such as the gravity gun being mentioned with the first game. It also ignored the sequels. Maybe I could have specified those…

Fallout: Equestria
‹ 1 min read

I know, I know. I made part one for The Lost Element and never made part two. Why am I starting something else without finishing that one? The answer is simple. When that story concludes I will do part two. But as it stands, that story is over three million words, and still hasn’t ended.…

My Fascination with Human in Equestria Stories
2 min read

If you’ve read through this blog, there’s probably one thing you will have noticed: “This dude is obsessed with HiE.” Yes, it’s true, I have a fascination with Human in Equestria stories. I mean, check out the Fimfiction Reviews series. Every single one of them is HiE. A fair few interestingly enough feature the Anonymous…

My Plan For the Future
2 min read

I need a more updated and detailed post on my plan for van life, so here you go. Phase 1: Back to School Once I’ve got my driver’s license, I’m going to start taking classes at the Austin Community College. The First Semester I will start with just two classes in the first semester. The…

Anonymous in Nu-Questria
2 min read

I finally got around to reading Anonymous in Nu-Questria and it’s sequel, and holy shit, that was intense. I’m serious, I haven’t been this wrapped in a fanfic in years. Not since Exchange. I read both stories in under twenty-four hours. I’d like to start off by making it painful clear: this is not your…

Midnight Comfort
‹ 1 min read

My first G5 review, and seemingly the author’s first G5 story. I’ve read a couple G5 fics, but nothing particularly stuck with me. That was until I read Midnight Comfort. Right out of the gate, this story had me intrigued. The little game you and Izzy play in the first chapter was very well written,…

All’s Fair in Love and War
2 min read

After seeing it trending for over a week, I decided to put aside my aversions and check out All’s Fair in Love and War. I’ll admit, I am debating whether or not to even publish my review of this. While this story is phenomenal, and I absolutely love it, there is a specific element of…

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for the history buffs – may contain "slightly inappropriate" content