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Is It Good?
In this series, I check out stuff that has a bad reputation and give my opinion on it. Each episode has two parts. I post part one first and once I’ve finished I write and post part two. In part one I start off by stating what I know of the thing in question and explaining why I’ve decided to check it out. In part two I post my opinion, a little review and if I believe it is deserving of its reputation.
Fallout: Equestria
‹ 1 min read

I know, I know. I made part one for The Lost Element and never made part two. Why am I starting something else without finishing that one? The answer is simple. When that story concludes I will do part two. But as it stands, that story is over three million words, and still hasn’t ended.…

The Lost Element
‹ 1 min read

I’m kicking off a new series I’m calling Is It Good?. In this series, I will be checking out stuff that has a bad reputation and giving my opinion on it. Each episode has two parts. I post part one first and once I’ve finished I write and post part two. In part one I start off…

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for the history buffs – may contain "slightly inappropriate" content