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Sunrise & Tea

It was early Saturday morning. The sun had yet to rise, but there was a faint glow over the horizon.
Spike woke up with a jolt and yawned. What time is it?
He walked up to the window and gazed at the horizon. Time to get up.

Spike headed out of his room and into the kitchen where Twilight was cooking pancakes. The dining room table sat just to the left of the kitchen right next a window. Below the window was a small flower garden, and beyond that, a thin path running between houses. It was Spikes idea to have a garden. Twilight wasn't convinced he'd be responsible enough, but he had surprised her.

After many adventures Twilight Sparkle had with her friends, she decided to lay low and got a small home for Spike and herself. She still visited the Friendship Castle turned museum from time to time, but only at night. It was dangerous out there. Ever since Celestia and Luna went missing, strange things have happened. Without their friends, and Rarity having grown old, things would be too difficult. Discord had been depressed since Fluttershy passed three years before.

Every Saturday morning, they'd go over to Rarity's house and watch the sun rise while sipping tea. Spike always made sure to bring a bouquet for Rarity. He had long since quit mooning over her, but he still made sure to help her out. In fact, he dated Sweetie Belle for a while but after Rarity retired, she took her place and she just didn't have time for anything but work. Running a dozen shops keeps her pretty busy after all.

"Oh, Spike!" Twilight exclaimed. "I made pancakes!"

"I noticed before gazing out the window." He responded.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked, frowning.

It was at least a minute before he responded. "I'm worried."

"About what? You know I'll always be here."

"But she won't." He replied, turning towards her. "How can you go on ever day all cheery? Rarity is all we have! Fluttery, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Applejack gone! All gone!" He started crying. "You've barely aged and I'm only twice the size as when we met... Am I supposed to accept the fact that all our friends will die and we go on?!"

Several minutes passed before Twilight said anything. "I've done my best to try to not think about it... When Applejack passed I thought it was the end of the world. We all did. But by the time Fluttershy went, I had learned this is how it was going to be. I know it's a lot to take in but... We must endure. Whenever Rarity passes, we will mourn, but we can't give up. We have a purpose here in Equestria and we are needed to-"

"Need to what?" Spike interrupted. "to find Celestia and Luna? Good luck with that."

"Don't say that! Never say that! I'm sure we'll find them, wherever they went! We can't give up." She paused. "Now eat you pancakes before they get cold."

The duo walked up to Rarity's porch where she was waiting, sitting in her rocking chair, and light creaking could be heard. The sun was now half-way over the horizon. A light breeze shook the trees, causing pollen to explode in white clouds.

"Your tea is cold." Rarity said as Spike and Twilight stepped onto the porch.

"Sorry we're so late." Twilight replied.

"Oh it's fine darlings. I'll go make a second pot."

"Don't." Twilight exclaimed. "The tea is fine."

"Oh alright." She muttered before sitting back down.

Spike gave her the bouquet he picked just before leaving. "Oh thank you dearest." She left a peck on his cheek. "I have a gift for you two."

She removed a very intricately designed wooden box from under the table, and gave it to Spike.

"Now, I don't want either of you opening this. Not until I've given you permission." She ordered.

"As you wish." Twilight responded before hugging her.

"Now sit down you two, there's still at least fifteen minutes left of this beautiful sunrise."

Spike and Twilight obeyed, filling two of the chairs. A third chair sat in the corner and Rarity looked towards it.

"Remember when it was the four of us? Fluttershy always chose that chair. Even I wasn't able to sit there, and this is my house." She chuckled. "She always brought Angel Jr. with her. Feisty little fella, just like his father." That one made Spike giggle. "I wonder where he is now."

There were a couple of minutes of silence before Rarity spoke up again. "Apple Bloom visited the other day. She's retiring next month... She's had to make a decision that Applejack wouldn't be too happy with."

"Oh no, don't tell me-" Twilight started.

"Yes, the rumors were true. She's selling the farm to Filthy Rich's grandson. I guess it was to be expected though. She's the last of her line, and no other Apple is willing to take the responsibility. AJ would be angry at me for saying this but... from what I've heard of this young stallion, I think he'll take care of it. Believe it or not, he's been really interested in how Applejack ran it. Apparently Apple Bloom's been training him in secret."

"That would explain the rumor..." Spike mumbled.

After about ten minutes of silence Rarity spoke up. "Well, I'm gonna go on inside. I'm getting tired, and this pollen is starting to bother me." Rarity said, getting up.

"Ok Rarity, have a good day." Twilight replied, hugging the old unicorn.

"Thank you." Spike said hugging her as well.