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Three Days Later…

"Spike!" Twilight yelled, trying to wake him. "Spike! Wake up!"

"Ughhh, what is it Twilight?!" He moaned, rubbing his eyes.

"It's Rarity... She..." Twilight replied, crying.

"No... No! It can't be." Spike yelled.

"She died in her sleep last night. Spike, I'm sorry... The nurse gave us this." Twilight levitated a... key. A single golden key, a small note hung from it.

Spike grabbed the key and immediately started to read it:

Dear Twilight and Spike,

Remember that box I gave you? This is the key to open it. I hoped I could give it to you myself but... I'm not well. The pollen has really gotten to me. I fear the worst.

I love you both so very much,

With heavy eyes, the duo headed to Twilight's room to open the box.